you're looking for the SECURITY of
regular, monthly payments come in
automatically, let me show
How To Setup Your
Own Membership Site
With Just One Article!
Plus: It Can
Be Ready To Take
Orders In Under 48 Hours From
Beginner Friendly *
Over 3,500 People Have
Taken This Course ... And You Can Be
From: W. Terry Whalin
Re: The
"Simple" Way To Generate Monthly Income
Dear Friend,
One of my grade school teachers made a statement in
class one day that has made a huge
impact on my life. She had probably said it
dozens of times before to other people with little effect. And probably very few in class on
this particular day "got" what she said the way I did.
I'm just glad I was listening.
My teacher said this -
A straight line is the
shortest distance between two points.
I like that.
If I'm at point one and I want to arrive at point
two, whenever possible I want to take a straight line. I want the shortest distance.
What I don't want are delays. And detours. And side
excursions that lead me farther away from where I want to go. I want the direct
My teacher might have been explaining simple math,
but it resonated with me. Still does. Whenever I head for any goal in life, I look for the
"shortest distance" between where I'm starting and where I want to finish.
- If I can get the result I want in 5
steps, there's no reason to take 6 or 7
- If I can get the result I want in 1
week, there's no reason to take 4
You get the idea.
Short. And. Simple. That's how I like it.
And I'm not the only one. I'm guessing you're a lot
like me. Or I'm a lot like you. Whatever. The point is, we're alike. Especially when it comes to
our internet businesses. We want to make money. And we want to take the
"shortest distance" to get there. Right?
Good. I'm glad we're on the same page.
Apparently, The Guru
Way Is To Complicate Things
I looked up the word "complicated" at Dictionary.com and I
found listing after listing of titles of information products from "gurus" shown there. No, not really,
but the definition I found certainly fits most of the garbage being sold today. See if this
sounds about right...
1. Composed of elaborately interconnected parts;
complex: complicated apparatus for measuring brain functions.
2. Difficult to analyze, understand, explain, etc.: a complicated
If there are two things that accurately describe 95%
of the "products" being sold today by internet marketers, this definition sums them up
nicely: composed of elaborately interconnected parts,
difficult to understand.
The opposite of simple.
Not taking the "shortest distance" between two
points. No straight line there, folks.
It should come as no surprise that most people leave
point one and never
arrive at point two. No easily understood
plan to follow. No goals reached. No success with your internet business.
Ding. Game over. Thanks for playing. Next
The good news is, it doesn't have to be that way for
you. Why not? Because my teacher taught me "a straight
line is the shortest distance between two points" and
I was listening.
Are you listening?
Good, because I'm gonna keep it short and simple for
If You Want A Simple
Way To Automatically
Earn Money Every Month, Here It Is...
Starting your own membership site is the "shortest distance" between having nothing and having
sustainable monthly income. Just think about how it works...
You find a customer
ONCE and they continue spending money
with you over and over again automatically every month.
Let's do some more "simple math"...
500 Members X
$20 Per Month = $10,000 Monthly Profit
That's $10K coming in monthly from one site ... from
just 500 members. A six-figure income from just 500 members.
Sidebar: This isn't an unrealistic number. Some membership sites have 1,000,
2,000 and even 3,000 members paying fees ranging from $10 per month to $97 per
Want to know something else that'll keep ya up at
Who says you have to stop with
ONE membership site?
You can launch an entire family of sites. Imagine
have 5 membership sites. Or 10. Or even 20. All of them bringing in monthly income for your
Sidebar: I'll explain how this is possible later in this letter ... including how
you can set these sites up ONE TIME ... a true "set it and forget it" model!
The residual income that you
receive month after month as the memberships are rebilled is at the heart of why so many people
are scrambling to start their own sites.
Unfortunately, the emphasis is on
STARTING ... with
very few FINISHING.
Why is that?
I'll let you in on a little secret that hardly no one
"in the know"
is talking about...
Starting and running a successful
site the "traditional" way is HARD!
There, I said it. It's the truth and anyone who has a
successful membership site knows that it is the truth. It's not an easy thing to start, let
alone keep running for an indefinite amount of time.
Let me explain why it's so tough (and then, I'll show
you how to SUPER-simplify things)...
5 Reasons Why Starting A Traditional
Membership Site Is A Bad Idea (What?!! Did He Really Say
1. |
Traditional membership
sites require too much work setting
up. One of the biggest reasons
why people don't get their membership sites going in the first place is because
there is a lot of work that goes into the initial setup. When you factor in writing
a dozen or so original pieces of content to "stockpile" in your member's area,
getting training materials in place, setting up a forum, installing scripts,
assembling a "library" of materials and other things most membership sites include,
it's just too time-consuming for the average person to ever get in
2. |
Traditional membership sites
have built-in
pressures to create
content. It is so easy to burn out by
running your own membership site. You think going in that you'll never run out of
ideas to write about. As one of the most creative and prolific writers you'll ever
run across, let me tell you that I myself face this problem. Almost everyone does.
And, even if you are supernatural and can continue coming up with new ideas for
years and years, the demands of updating your site 3-5 times per week with new
content requires discipline that most of us just don't possess. |
3. |
Traditional membership sites
require pricey and
complicated scripts.
By running a membership site, you have to manage
passwords, protect your member's area, keep up with who's active and who's stopped
paying you, manage your content and at least two dozen other things. This requires
a membership site "script". Have you looked at your options? Most inexpensive ones
are either inadequate or incompatible. And others are way too expensive (thousands
of dollars) or have so many "bells and whistles" that you need to join a membership
site just to learn how to use them! |
4. |
Traditional membership sites
demand a large investment of
time. You have a forum to moderate, cancellations to process, content
to add, technical problems to troubleshoot, password problems to fix, and a variety
of other tasks that usually get left out of the "salesletter" for a product or
service trying to convince you to start a membership site. The truth is, a
traditional membership site requires a large investment of time. Now, if this is
the ONLY part of your business you'll have, you might pull it off. But, believe me,
it will leave the average person with virtually no time to do list-building,
traffic generation and develop other products. |
5. |
Traditional membership sites
include a continual
battle to keep
subscribers. Here's a figure
most people don't tell you about: the "average" subscriber will stay active for 3-4
months and then they'll cancel. What, you thought they'd join and stay with you
forever? It simply doesn't happen that way. With more and more membership sites
being launched, this figure is probably going to get worse. People simply don't
have the time nor money to remain active members in many different programs. Factor
in indifference, a lack of effort, poor results and a neverending amount of other
enticing offers and you'll be lucky to get them to stay 3-4 months. |
But, but, didn't you say "short" and
Starting a membership site takes a long time and involves complex scripts that I have to
install and, and, and...
If "traditional" membership sites aren't
the answer, what is? I'm glad you asked...
The Simple Way To Create Residual Wealth
Is To Start A "Fixed-Term Membership"
There is a much easier, more effective --- just as
profitable!! --- way to start and run your own membership site that *is* the
"next big thing" because of its results. I call this kind of subscription program a
membership" (FTM) site. Let me quickly
explain what it is...
Definition: "Fixed-Term
Membership" Site
A "fixed-term membership site"
(FTM) consists of weekly content shared via autoresponder to paid members
for a specified period of time.
In a nutshell, here's what you'd do in running your
own FTM site...
1. Write ONE 2-3 page article lesson
every week.
2. Load this article to an autoresponder for subscribers to
3. Sell access to the series, which would last 3 - 6 - 9 or 12
It's that simple.
And the benefits are the exact opposite of the
barriers for traditional membership sites...
1. |
Fixed-Term Membership
(FTM) sites can be setup in 48 hours or
less! All you need to get started is one sales page, one article, one
recurring billing processor (I.E. Clickbank or Paypal) and one autoresponder. Do
you see how this can REALLY happen for you! Not "sometime in the future" ... but,
quickly! Literally, this week you can have your own money-making membership site
taking orders.
2. |
Fixed-Term Membership (FTM)
sites are easy to maintain! Instead of struggling to keep up with 3-5 fresh articles to your
membership site week after week after week ... all you need to do is write ONE new
article every week for a short amount of time. And, here's the best part, once you
have your articles written ... it's evergreen! That means, long after you've moved
on to other projects, you can still add new customers to the membership site to
access the series you've already completed! |
3. |
Fixed-Term Membership (FTM)
sites require no fancy, pricey
add-ons! You don't need to buy any high-fangled scripts to get an FTM site
up and running. All it takes to actually "run" the technical side of your site is
an autoresponder account and recurring billing (Clickbank or Paypal) and that's it.
It is so simple that anyone can set this up within hours. |
4. |
Fixed-Term Membership (FTM)
sites require very little
time! Think about it: which takes longer to accomplish ... (a) Write
3-5 new articles every week, moderating a forum, etc., or (b) Write 1 new article
weekly? With an FTM site, the only real investment of time you'll have each week is
to write one simple article to add to your autoresponder for members to receive.
Hmmm, what could be better? |
5. |
Fixed-Term Membership (FTM)
sites keep subscribers
active! Here's the beauty of the "fixed-term" model: subscribers will
stay active longer. Why? Because with a "traditional" membership site there is no
ending spot. There is no finish line. It just goes on and on, long after the
subscriber has lost interest and moved on to other things. BUT, with a "fixed-term"
membership site, there IS an ending ... after X number of weeks, the subscriber
will have COMPLETED the series and will no longer pay. Many will stay simply
because they are "almost there". And, when you factor in the numerous techniques I
teach on "finishing" you'll get subscribers hanging on the edge of their sites in
anticipation for the end of the series! |
Let's look at a quick example of what a
"fixed-term membership" site might look like...
Example: Your
Baby's First Year
Let's put on our thinking caps
and suppose that your target audience is parenting, with an emphasis on new
parents. What could you do in order to establish a "fixed-term membership"
You could create a 12-month
membership entitled, "Your Baby's
First Year". In each weekly lesson
you might share what kind of developmental progress should be made, warning
signs to look for, helpful hints for various aspects of parenting a newborn,
The beauty of this particular
idea is that you can then create a "Your Baby's Second Year" and "graduate" members into another year of
Just a few other ideas for a fixed-term membership
site could be...
- Investing in stocks and bonds.
- Buying and selling real estate.
- Homeschooling. (First year, second year,
- Writing a book.
- Creating home videos.
- Scrapbooking.
- Fundraising.
- Teaching a Bible class.
- Romance.
- Relationship building/repairing.
- Losing weight.
- Running a marathon.
- Maintaining sexual purity.
- Breaking a bad habit.
- Homemaking.
- Improving your golf game.
- Managing your time.
I literally could go on and on - there are
thousands of possibilities.
In fact, you could create a membership site around
just about any topic imaginable!
The process isn't difficult, confusing or time-consuming. Anyone can
set it up quickly. Especially when you let me show you how...
Introducing "Simple Member
The Step-By-Step Blueprint
For Getting
A Membership Site Setup Blazing Fast!
The Simple Member System course is a 9-lesson, step-by-step curriculum for setting up your own
membership site starting from scratch. Here are the nine lessons included...
Lesson #1: How To Start Your Own
Membership Site in 48 Hours Or Lesson
Lesson #2: FTM Quick Start Pillar 1: Preparation (Planning your membership
Lesson #3: FTM Quick Start Pillar
2: Presentation (Setting up your
membership site)
Lesson #4: FTM Quick Start Pillar 3: Production (Creating your membership
Lesson #5: FTM Quick Start Pillar
4: Promotion (Marketing your membership
Lesson #6: Retention Strategy: How To Keep Members Active And Paying
Lesson #7: How To Double Your
Profit In One Easy Step
Lesson #8: Getting New Members...Automatically!
Lesson #9: The Backdoor To
Keeping Members Active
Everything you need from "start to finish" is
included. This is a true "straight line" course - taking you the shortest distance between the
point of starting and the point of profiting!
I'll Show You How...
In the
Simple Member
System I truly make
it simple to setup your own membership site and start seeing orders come in
by showing you everything you need in nine step-by-step lessons.
- I show you how to choose
your niche, topic, title -- everything starting from a blank
- I show you how to setup
the membership site in steps so detailed that anyone can follow along! (No
technical skills needed.)
- I show you how to make
your site "live" and ready to take orders, even how to start seeing
Everything is is explained by
sticking to my motto...
it simple!
Here are just a few things you'll discover when you
download the Simple Member
System below...
- How to setup your own "fixed-term"
membership site in 48 hours or less!
- A 10-step "Startup Checklist" broken down
into bite-sized action steps!
- How to create the perfect first
lesson to drive up member interest!
- How to blow away the average retention and
"force" subscribers to stay 12 months!
- 4 simple things to do to "run" your
membership site in just 2-3 hours each week!
- How to light the fuse of "Membership T.N.T."
for explosive sales conversions!
- The 6 simple steps for setting up a
M.E.M.B.E.R. site and how to do them fast!
- My proprietary 5-step formula to help you
W.R.I.T.E. membership content quickly and easily!
- Your "Final Rundown" checklist to
work through to ensure launch success!
- Two quick ways to announce your membership
site, plus my own top 20 promotion steps!
- The top three ways to get members to
stay active and paying month after month!
- A surefire way to double your profit by
adding one extra thing to your membership site!
- My favorite technique for getting
"fence-setters" to make the decision to join!
- The "copy and paste" email you can use to get
"quitters" to rejoin as paying members!
- Everything you need to know to take you from
"start to sales"!
Those are just a few of the things you'll discover
when you grab your copy of the Simple Member
System below.
Here's Your Chance To
Pay $47 Instead Of $324...
The Simple Member System was originally part of a larger YEAR-LONG "fixed term
membership" site. The nine lessons that are included
constitute the first two months of the 12-month program. It was a "drip feed" course where you
only received ONE lesson per week.
Thousands of customers have paid the full $324 to go
through the full course ... and they had to wait an ENTIRE YEAR to get all the lessons. The
first two months (what's now included in the Simple Member System) were
all about setting up and seeing quick results ... while the remaining ten months taught how to
grow the membership site and increase profit from it.
Sidebar: While there is one lesson included on "promoting" your new membership
site, the purpose of this "quick start" version of the full course is to get your site setup
and active. Traffic generation is NOT taught beyond one cursory lesson. If you need to know
how to generate traffic to your new membership site, then I recommend Traffic-Fuel.com and PaidTrafficGeneration.com.
What's been done with the
Simple Member
System is simple: all the lessons you
need to get your membership site up and running and getting your first paying customers are
Instead of paying $324 for the full course, you'll
only be $47 for the "quick start" version. And you don't have to wait a full year to access the
lessons (nor even the first TWO MONTHS)!
That's right...
You Can
Immediately Download
All Nine Weekly Lessons Below!
No waiting. No large outlay of cash.
Short. And. Simple.
And my promise is "simple" too:
You Will Receive 100%
Of Your Money Back If You
Don't Make Money As A Result Of Using This
Here's my guarantee to
you: Order this course and follow through each of
the nine lessons. If you don't at
least setup your membership site and get
your first paying customer, then email me and I'll promptly give your money back!
Plus you can
keep the course for free!
Yes, I know, I know ... some people will take
advantage of this guarantee. There's no question about it. But, I really believe it's the best
way to "prove" to you that it's worth your while to give this a try. You have nothing to lose
... only paying members to gain.
Note: Of course, if you
want a refund for ANY reason, then I'll gladly give you up to 60 days to request your money
back. No questions asked. Simply email me and it's done.
You get the complete
"Simple Member
System" course for the low price of just
$47. Think of it: If you put this system to work for you, just your first 1 or 2 members will pay for it during their first
month alone! (Remember, your membership site customers will be paying you
MONTHLY!) That's all it takes to recoup
your small investment and start putting a long-term profit into your pocket.
But wait, I've also included three incredible "Quick
Start Model" bonuses that will further help you with your new membership site (heck, one of
these even teaches you how to get others to create your membership site for you!)...
Quick Start Model
#1 |
20 Membership Site Ideas That Sell Like Crazy
23 Pages in .PDF format | Regular Price:
This informative report details ten "business"
membership site ideas and ten "non-business" membership site ideas
that are proven "hot topics" that are sure to be great
Quick Start Model #2 |
To Get New Members Fast And
11 Pages in .PDF format | Regular Price:
This short report explains one of the best ways
to persuade people to join your membership site. Use this simple
strategy to get high rate of initial members AND ongoing
Quick Start Model #3 |
How To S.T.A.R.T. A Membership Site By
Outsourcing It
37 Pages in .PDF format | Regular Price:
This in-depth "how
to" blueprint walks you through the steps of getting other people
to create your entire membership site for you by "outsourcing" as
little or as much (all of it if you want!) of the steps to
qualified, budget-friendly freelancers.
These three bonuses are available separately at $17
each and are included at no
cost when you order the
Simple Member
System today. They are valued at more
than you'll pay for the entire course and are yours at no extra charge!
So take out your credit card now and click the order
link below to get started...
Get Started Immediately...
I want the Simple Member System to learn how to setup and promote my affiliate link
to any program I choose! I
have read and agree to the legal disclaimers below.
Click Here to Order
(Even if it's 2:00 AM on a Saturday)
* Every effort has been made to accurately represent
this product and its potential. Please remember that each individual’s
success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and
motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is no certain guarantee
that you will earn any money.
Information Disclaimer | Terms Of
Service | Earnings
Disclaimer | Privacy
Best regards,
W. Terry Whalin
P.S. Remember, when you order now you will
immediately access ALL
NINE of the weekly lessons ... no